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Type 2 diabetes, now what? Clear.bio can help you

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Schermafbeelding 2022 08 24 om 17.36.17

What exactly is diabetes?

Diabetes is another word for diabetes mellitus. With diabetes, your body no longer manages to keep your glucose levels at a good level. That’s because the hormone insulin doesn’t work properly. Too much sugar (or glucose) remains in your blood. And that’s unhealthy for you.

How does your glucose level work?

Your glucose level is the amount of glucose (or sugar) in your blood. Every time you eat or drink something with carbohydrates, for example bread, fruit or soft drinks, the amount rises in your glucose level. In response, your body produces insulin. This hormone allows the glucose to be absorbed into your cells for energy. This will lower your sugar levels back to normal. But if you have diabetes, your sugar levels remain too high.

Why is diabetes unhealthy for you?

Diabetes causes annoying ailments. As always being hungry, tired, gaining weight and temporarily losing sight. Diabetes can also cause serious health problems over time. Think of permanent damage to your eyes, feet, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

What can you do about type 2 diabetes?

Fortunately, you can take steps yourself to tackle or prevent type 2 diabetes. With small adjustments in your diet and daily habits you can lower your sugar levels. That is possible without drugs. It is important to know exactly what works best for your body. Clear.bio helps you with that!

What do you suffer from with diabetes?

Why your sugar level responses are unique

Stable sugar levels are important for proper health. This applies to everyone and in particular to people with type 2 diabetes.

The fluctuations in your sugar levels depend on factors such as your DNA, physical condition, amount of stress, lifestyle, when you eat and of course what you eat. The reaction of your sugar levels are therefore unique. That’s why it’s so important to get personalized advice if you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Clear.bio offers the solution

The Clear.bio treatment maps your diet and the unique reaction of your sugar levels. We do this with the help of a glucose sensor and the Clear.bio app. This way we can explain exactly what you can do to improve your health. With our treatment you can achieve big results with small changes!

Schermafbeelding 2022 06 28 om 17.56 1

“Scientific research has shown that there is no ideal diet that works for everyone. What does work is the ideal diet for you as an individual. Clear.bio helps people, by measuring reactions of their sugar levels, to discover which dietary habits are best for them. I highly recommend that.”

Georges Janssens – Professor of Amsterdam UMC

The Clear.bio treatment can help you become healthy again

With simple adjustments based on the unique reaction of your sugar levels, you can improve your health in just 12 weeks and reverse type 2 diabetes.

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Better health with the Clear.bio treatment

Be the first to be notified when our treatment for type 2 diabetes is reimbursed by health insurers.

We will help you step by step with the registration!


They also participated in Clear.bio. Here are their results!

We have collected the most frequently asked questions for you

To be reimbursed by a health insurer, we have to prove that our digital innovation is good and safe, and works for people with type 2 diabetes. That is why we are conducting clinical studies. The first results look very promising. Do you want to be the first to know when we are reimbursed by a health insurer? Register yourself on our waiting list.

Especially in the initial stage (prediabetes or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes), it is quite possible to move away from medication. Many prescription medications postpone conditions. But this doesn’t mean you can’t stop taking medication. With Clear.bio you can make small, smart adjustments to your lifestyle without medication.

No. Applying the sensor is done with the help of an applicator needle. It does not stay in your arm. The sensor contains a small flexible needle (filament) that measures your blood sugar levels. Most participants do not experience pain after placing the sensor. Sometimes there is a slight pain palpable in the first hour, which quickly disappears.

The DVN (Dutch Diabetes Association) has been standing up for the interests of diabetes patients in the Netherlands for more than 75 years. Being in control and doing at home what you can do at home are important themes. That’s where DVN and Clear find each other. This is in line with the movement in healthcare towards Appropriate Care & Right Care in the Right Place, which the government and also various health insurers are focused on. Through this collaboration we try to reach and help as many people as possible with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Clear.bio offers nutrition based treatments and are therefore not medical treatments based on medication. We do not give advice on adjusting medication. If you would like to make adjustments to the medication yourself, we advise you to discuss this with your GP, diabetes nurse or your other medical professional.