

customer satisfaction

Peter (62): “I never anticipated such significant variations among different food brands. It’s unbelievable!”

“I am Peter, Head of Brewing at Brewery Noordt. I have type 2 diabetes, which requires constant attention to my diet and regular check-ups. The main reason for participating in Clear.bio is to lower my blood sugar levels. I never expected there to be so much difference between different brands of food. Unbelievable!

What I appreciate most about Clear.bio is the user-friendly app and the insight into the impact of food on my blood sugar levels. This makes me feel more confident. Honestly, I believe Clear.bio should be mandatory for everyone with type 2 diabetes. It really encourages a more conscious way of living.”


How to control your blood sugar levels?

If you have (pre)diabetes, it’s important to keep your glucose levels in check. This can help prevent the need for (more) medication and reduce the risk of complications in the future. Additionally, stable blood sugar is associated with less fatigue, maintaining a healthy weight, and better concentration.

But how do you create a balanced meal, and what else can you do to control your blood sugar levels?

Read more in this article 👉 10 Tips to Control Your Blood Sugar Levels.”