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Clear.bio named European Health Food Startup of the year!

Clear.bio named European Health Food Startup of the year!

The Food for Health Challenge committee is pleased to announce that Clear.bio has won the EUROPEAN STARTUP INNOVATION AWARD 2024 in health food.

“In a few words, Clear.bio is a prescription digital therapeutic (pDTx): a prescribed and reimbursed (digital) therapy for ‘reversing’ Type 2 diabetes based on precision nutrition,” explains Madelon Bracke, the Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder.

By using real-time data to provide personalized nutritional advice, Clear.bio allows patients to manage and improve their glycemic regulation while reducing the burden on healthcare systems.

Their solution, straight from Amsterdam, is more relevant than ever, as confirmed by the Haute Autorité de Santé in their latest statement on June 6: “Type 2 Diabetes: Non-Pharmacological Therapies First.”

As a reminder, The Food for Health Challenge is a trans-European initiative dedicated to highlighting innovative startups at the intersection of health and food.

Stay tuned because the mapping of European health food initiatives will be published this week! An opportunity to discover more innovative and promising initiatives in the field.