The Netherlands is European sitting champion: How do you get your patient moving?
Maybe you saw it in big headlines in the newspaper a while ago: ‘The Netherlands is the European sitting champion’. Research by TNO has shown that 26% of Dutch...
customer satisfaction
Maybe you saw it in big headlines in the newspaper a while ago: ‘The Netherlands is the European sitting champion’. Research by TNO has shown that 26% of Dutch...
What's the Deal with Oatmeal? Is Fruit Juice Really Healthier than Cola? Read the Top 5 Most-Read Nutrition Facts Here.
Navigating the Holidays While Keeping Your Blood Sugar in Check. 7 Diabetes-Friendly Tips + Inspiration for the Christmas Menu.
Eat your veggies! Our dietitian Linda gives you 9 simple tips to eat more vegetables with diabetes and explains why this is important
Where do you start and how do you ensure that your lifestyle changes really become a new habit for you? Our dietician informs you.
What does this actually mean? What's the difference? And what influence can this have on what best to eat? Read it and know it.
Different temperatures, daily rhythms, dishes, exercises. These could raise your blood sugar. Therefore 8 tips for a healthy summer. And at the end a puzzle, for on the go.
During menopause, the woman's hormone balance changes. This can lead to high or strongly fluctuating blood glucose levels. Read what you can do about it.