The Netherlands is European sitting champion: How do you get your patient moving?
Maybe you saw it in big headlines in the newspaper a while ago: ‘The Netherlands is the European sitting champion’. Research by TNO has shown that 26% of Dutch...
customer satisfaction
Maybe you saw it in big headlines in the newspaper a while ago: ‘The Netherlands is the European sitting champion’. Research by TNO has shown that 26% of Dutch...
“You cannot unlearn what you have learned,” is the belief of Madelon Bracke, CSO of Results from the Eating-Measure-Weten Follow-Up show that the (periodic) use of a sensor...
What's the Deal with Oatmeal? Is Fruit Juice Really Healthier than Cola? Read the Top 5 Most-Read Nutrition Facts Here.
Navigating the Holidays While Keeping Your Blood Sugar in Check. 7 Diabetes-Friendly Tips + Inspiration for the Christmas Menu.
Eat your veggies! Our dietitian Linda gives you 9 simple tips to eat more vegetables with diabetes and explains why this is important
"What I appreciate most about is the user-friendly app and the insight into the impact of nutrition on my blood sugar levels." challenges the established companies. We are on the Challenger50 list of MT/Sprout.
Where do you start and how do you ensure that your lifestyle changes really become a new habit for you? Our dietician informs you.
Piet Hein van Dam, a seasoned health-tech and data entrepreneur driving transformation in the industry. Read his story.
“Thanks to, I now know that my blood sugar peaks last up to 3 to 4 hours, and what I should (not) eat to lower my blood sugar.”
What does this actually mean? What's the difference? And what influence can this have on what best to eat? Read it and know it.
We are spreading our wings and enter the Brazilian market. Do you want to more about our local advisory team or market access plan?
Different temperatures, daily rhythms, dishes, exercises. These could raise your blood sugar. Therefore 8 tips for a healthy summer. And at the end a puzzle, for on the go.
During menopause, the woman's hormone balance changes. This can lead to high or strongly fluctuating blood glucose levels. Read what you can do about it. has been successfully audited on ISO9001 (quality management), ISO27001 (information security) and NEN7510 (information security in healthcare).
Digital dietician gives diabetes patients continuous feedback, and is now reimbursed for people with type 2 diabetes within the care paths of general practitioners.
What exactly does the Nutri-Score mean? And can people with type 2 diabetes also use this score to make better choices for their blood sugar levels? has won the prestigious international VBHC Dragons Grant 2023. The jury: "A great example how AI and data come together in a consumer product."
"Because of my overweight, I was very curious about my blood sugar levels," says Jan (63). "I learned so much about nutrition during this checkup." Read Jan's story.
Easter is coming! If you have diabetes, these days can be quite challenging. Therefore these nutrition tips especially for you.
"I've gained many insights into the effect of food on the progress of my blood sugar, and thanks to the tips I now have fewer and lower peaks than...
“My hormone balance is changing. I don't want to gain weight. And do want to stay healthy."
"I've always had the idea that certain foods are not good for me. I wanted to measure that."
In "It All Starts with People" Antler delves into passions, motivations and the vision of exceptional founders they partner with. Today Piet Hein van Dam.
Innovation Origins puts Start-up of the Day in the spotlight. Yvette Ruts-Wolters, Head of Marketing, talks about the technology and future of has been awarded as the Best Digital Diabetes Therapeutics Company in The Netherlands.
Get to know the scientific base of our digital precision nutrition program and understand why blood sugar responses to food are unique.
If you have type 2 diabetes and want to control your disease, how do you steer? On Time in Range or HbA1c? The differences and possibilities. has been listed as a super innovative health tech startup that makes a positive impact on society. Check the list of global digital AI health leaders.
Wendy's general practice participated in the clinical trial in Rotterdam. This provided a lot of insights. Read her full story.
Jeannette has had diabetes for 12 years. With she wanted to gain insight into which foods increase her blood sugar levels. Read her review.
The holidays and type 2 diabetes: we have come up with a Christmas menu for you and we give you some tips on how to enjoy healthy.
"'s advice was completely tailored to my personal situation and the result was accordingly: more stable glucose levels."
" allowed me to see which foods cause a spike in my blood sugar and which foods keep my blood sugar stable."
"It is a special sensation to suddenly have insight into the functioning of your body."
"The thing I liked most about was that I could always communicate quickly with a dietitian. Just app or phone if I had a question."
Improved health a step closer for people with type 2 diabetes The Achmea Innovation Fund has taken a stake in This HealthTech start-up helps people with type 2...
Our innovative diabetes treatment has secured a place in the Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100 list of 2022! We are therefore one of the 100 most innovative companies...
For $1, Pete could not buy a bottle of water, but he could buy a can of cola. Thus was born our idea to reverse type 2 diabetes. Our...
"How is it possible that my sugar level rises at night without having eaten anything?" Answers to top 10 questions to revert type 2 diabetes.
If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, living a healthy lifestyle is often the first step in the treatment of blood sugar levels. This means eating healthier,...
Just like people with (risk of) type 2 diabetes, dietitians also measure how they respond to food. Practice what you preach! They know from their daily practice how...
"For me, it was not in the food, but in the timing and frequency of my meals and snacks."
Do you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes? Can't get your blood sugar levels under control? We explain to you why this is.
You can certainly eat carbohydrates with type 2 diabetes, but always combine them with protein, fat and fiber. We give you all the ins and outs.
Dutch health-tech startup launches project together with Zilveren Kruis and healthcare providers in Rotterdam AMSTERDAM, March 10, 2022 – Health-tech startup Clear again closed a successful financing round of...
Stable blood sugar is associated with less fatigue, a healthy weight, and better concentration. Use these tips to control your sugar levels.
Raymond van Barneveld participated with What are his first insights into type 2 diabetes?
In my previous blog I wrote about the 10 best meals of 2021, looking at the logged Clear data. Our participants log their meals and we assess them on...
"Best of all: within 3 months, I have lost 7 kilos, my medications have been phased out and I am brimming with energy again!"
In this first month of 2022, we look back at the most important scientific breakthroughs in cardiology from the previous year. This time we dive into the world of...
Our Clear users log their meals in the app. These meals are placed next to their blood sugar levels, so that you can see at a glance what the...
What is intermittent fasting and what should you pay attention to if you have type 2 diabetes and want to do intermittent fasting?
Clear in Clique Magazine November 20121.
We are very happy we made it! We are one of the top 5 finalists of the Blue Tulip Awards. Clear will help in the daily struggle with type...
“The sensor is a kind of mirror”, Geerdink acknowledges. "It immediately shows the effect of what I work inwards."
Health-tech startup yields promising results AMSTERDAM, November 3, 2021 – Health-tech startup Clear has raised 1.1 million euros in a successful financing round with international impact investor Mustard Seed...
We are increasingly confronted with conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, joint pains and psychological problems even at a younger age. The cause and the increase of these...
Oatmeal is often advised for type 2 diabetes to keep your blood sugar stable. But is that really the case? We dove into the data.
Most people follow a diet because they want to feel healthier and fitter. If your diet does not suit your biology, the effect of that diet will not be...
Sushi is healthy... right? Maybe not as healthy as you think. That is why in this blog we look at the average blood sugar response on sushi.
Did you know that carbohydrates consist of sugars and that these sugars are converted into glucose? Glucose is the fuel that (after alcohol) is burned first. Especially muscles and...
“Fruit juice is more healthy than coke,” says one. “No, fruit juice contains just as much sugar as coke,” says the other. What exactly is true? Does blood sugar...
Week 3 of social distancing With each new day of the corona pandemic, the total numbers of infections, hospitalizations, deaths and recoveries increase. And with each increase in numbers,...
Food contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other micronutrients. Metabolism is the process by which your body breaks down these nutrients and uses them for energy, building blocks and protection....
Bananas and apples both fit into a healthy diet. But are they also both good for your blood sugar levels? We compared our participants' reactions.
Everyone reacts differently to food. This is evident from our data, but also from these 3 studies. We show you the most important insights and conclusions.
Are bananas really healthy? We show you how the blood sugar can react after eating a banana.
We previously wrote an article about glucose. Glucose is closely related to insulin, which we discuss in this article. Many know insulin especially in relation to diabetes type 1...
We use it almost in every sentence within Clear: ‘glucose’. But what exactly is glucose? We explain the meaning of glucose and what it does exactly. The difference between...
Very nice to see how my body reacts to food. After 1 week I was already sad that it was only for a week. Still only 2 weeks left....
Certain nutrients are also processed in various supplements. Are these supplements also necessary if you have type 2 diabetes?
With exercise advice and Clear it didn't stop there, but I really got insight into what works for me and what really doesn't work.
Meanwhile, 300 participants have the Clear Nutrition program on an ongoing basis. We have an average of more than 1400 data points for all participants, from blood sugar measurements...
The basic nutrition program has shown me that the foods that I thought were good for me, were actually bad for me.
Sometimes it was quite confronting to see (through the sensor and Clear app you can immediately see what the food you just ate does to your body) that you...
Before, I went to a dietician who made a schedule, based upon some conversations. To me, this was very disappointing, because everyone got the same plan.