Rijnmond Doctors takes a groundbreaking step for patients with type 2 diabetes with the digital diabetes dietitian Clear.bio
Rijnmond Doctors concludes the pilot phase with successful results for patients with type 2 diabetes.
customer satisfaction
Rijnmond Doctors concludes the pilot phase with successful results for patients with type 2 diabetes.
Where do you start and how do you ensure that your lifestyle changes really become a new habit for you? Our dietician informs you.
What does this actually mean? What's the difference? And what influence can this have on what best to eat? Read it and know it.
"How is it possible that my sugar level rises at night without having eaten anything?" Answers to top 10 questions to revert type 2 diabetes.
If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, living a healthy lifestyle is often the first step in the treatment of blood sugar levels. This means eating healthier,...
Just like people with (risk of) type 2 diabetes, Clear.bio dietitians also measure how they respond to food. Practice what you preach! They know from their daily practice how...
You can certainly eat carbohydrates with type 2 diabetes, but always combine them with protein, fat and fiber. We give you all the ins and outs.