The Netherlands is European sitting champion: How do you get your patient moving?
Maybe you saw it in big headlines in the newspaper a while ago: ‘The Netherlands is the European sitting champion’. Research by TNO has shown that 26% of Dutch...
customer satisfaction
Maybe you saw it in big headlines in the newspaper a while ago: ‘The Netherlands is the European sitting champion’. Research by TNO has shown that 26% of Dutch...
Written by and published in NTvL on May 31, 2024. is an innovative healthcare concept to support people with type 2 diabetes. Through sensor measurements, people gain insight...
At we are always trying to keep up with the latest scientific insights and developments in technology, such as sensor technology or artificial intelligence (AI) options. Healthcare is...
The effects of the 12-week treatment with in primary care are evident; 75% of patients lower their HbA1C, 62% of practice nurses (POHs) engage in different conversations with...
What's the Deal with Oatmeal? Is Fruit Juice Really Healthier than Cola? Read the Top 5 Most-Read Nutrition Facts Here.
Navigating the Holidays While Keeping Your Blood Sugar in Check. 7 Diabetes-Friendly Tips + Inspiration for the Christmas Menu.
Eat your veggies! Our dietitian Linda gives you 9 simple tips to eat more vegetables with diabetes and explains why this is important
"What I appreciate most about is the user-friendly app and the insight into the impact of nutrition on my blood sugar levels."