

customer satisfaction

Klantverhaal Jeannette van Barneveld

Jeannet (71): “I am now much more conscious about what I eat.”

“I have had type 2 diabetes for 12 years. Fortunately, I use very little medication. However, I do have to watch my eating habits. I participated in Clear.bio to gain insight into what foods raise my blood sugar. I wanted to know which meals do and don’t work well for me.

For a long time I had been trying to eat low-carb as much as possible. With Clear.bio, I found out that I should indeed not eat whole grain bread. This raises my blood sugar levels tremendously. Low-carb bread is a good alternative for me. 

From Clear.bio I learned a lot. For example, that I don’t react well to pasta and potatoes, but that 40 grams of brown rice is fine. I am now more conscious about what I eat and look more often at the packaging to see what ingredients a product contains. 

I measure my blood sugar regularly with the glucose meter I have at home. But the nice thing about Clear.bio is that you can easily see which meal is or is not good for your blood sugar. I also got quick answers in the chat when I had a nutrition question. No visit to a dietician can beat that. 

I plan to use Clear.bio once or twice a year now, and I highly recommend Clear.bio to anyone with type 2 diabetes. I really hope Clear.bio is included in health insurance soon!”