

customer satisfaction

Marianne (70): “After 12 weeks, I was able to lower my blood sugar from 16.57 to 12.06 mol/l.”

“Besides being a grandmother and an active self-employed person – I sew baby and children’s clothing for a store on Texel and for my grandchildren – I am also engaged in nutrition. Due to my type 2 diabetes, I have been eating 3 meals a day for some time now, little in between and mostly low in carbohydrates. 

Still, I wanted to participate in Clear.bio, to gain more insight into my reaction to food. By measuring, I not only saw the effect of food and drinks on my blood sugar level, but also that my peaks last for 3 to 4 hours, instead of 1 to 2 hours as is often being stated. Thanks to the coaching in-app, I now know much better what I can and cannot eat. After 12 weeks of Clear.bio, I was able to lower my blood sugar level from 16.57 mmol/l to 12.06 mol/l. I wish this to everyone. With Clear.bio you really can improve your eating habits and tackle your diabetes yourself.”